Anthracite (2024) French Series on Netflix: An Engaging Blend of Macabre Murder Thriller with a Dash of Comedy

Anthracite is a new French series starring Hatik, Noémie Schmidt, Camille Lou and Nicolas Godart. It is created by Fanny Robert, Maxime Berthemy and Mehdi Ouahab.

A new series blending mystery, macabre thriller, and a dash of comedy arrives on Netflix to add enjoyment to the beginning of spring. “Anthracite” is one of those mysterious series set in a secluded town filled with gruesome crimes, but this one has a lot of humor, thanks, in particular, to actress Noémie Schmidt (who plays Ida), who injects a humorous touch into the program that, seemingly, should be rather intense.

The result is far more entertaining because of her.

On the other hand, there’s Hatik, a breakout actor who is sure to garner attention.


She’s a crime expert, a sort of online private investigator with a passion for true crime, who has also lost her father. He’s an ex-con struggling with his daughter and unable to find decent employment. And amidst it all, a horrendous crime tied to cults and a ritual related to anthracite.

About the Series

It may not be a blockbuster and doesn’t intend to be, but the combination of comedy and macabre thriller is appealing, charming, and uniquely captivating. Don’t be fooled, as “Anthracite” is neither a comedy, a romantic comedy, nor anything similar, it’s a snow-set thriller where two people find themselves entangled in horrifying events and try to uncover what’s behind them.

Visually, it breaks no new ground, nor does it have a marvelously perfect script or even present an entirely unique atmosphere: it’s a TV production aware of its constraints and that aims, to the extent it can, to be engaging.

And it succeeds, it delivers, and viewers are appreciative of the comedic elements in a series that’s well worth watching, especially thanks to the performances of its leads that add much humor to this series which, if only a thriller, would have been quite unoriginal and, if simply comedy, would have been less funny.

However, the combination of both genres gives it the cozy series feel that we crave.

Being only six episodes, this miniseries won’t leave you hanging wondering who or what was committing the awful crimes.

All the while, you’ll enjoy this light, fun and consistently entertaining macabre thriller.

Enjoy watching.

Where to Watch “Anthracite”


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