“Blue Eye Samurai” (2023) – Animation Series on Netflix: A Magnificent Tale in the Era of Samurai

Blue Eye Samurai
Rebeca Reiz Rebeca Reiz

Blue Eye Samurai is a Japanese animation series directed by Jane Wu.

Four foreigners in all of Japan stumbled upon his mother. He is the product of that fateful day, and now he returns as a mestizo samurai master to avenge the sacrifice to his mother.

There will be no mercy in this bloody adventure.

Blue Eye Samurai
Blue Eye Samurai

About the Series

Highly engaging and captivating. It’s not one of those frantic, action-packed series; rather, it’s a show with a compelling script and a great story to tell, in the most classic manner. It takes its time to develop and shape the characters, allowing the viewer to understand their every motivation.

An opportunity to delve into the world of samurai and their customs and way of life.

A series that brings us back to the essence of classic anime, with a timeless story filled with violence and conflicts that will surely delight fans of the genre.

Blue Eye Samurai | Official Trailer | Netflix
Blue Eye Samurai

Release Date

November 3, 2023

Where to Watch Blue Eye Samurai


The Cast

Maya Erskine
Maya Erskine
Masi Oka
Masi Oka
George Takei
George Takei
Randall Park
Randall Park
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