Delete is a series on Netflix starring Nat Kitcharit, Sarika Sathsilpsupa and Natara Nopparatayapon.
“Delete” is a well-crafted mystery series that seamlessly blends mystery and the supernatural, with strong character development.
Despite its seemingly teenage-oriented premise, “Delete” presents a mystery with well-developed characters that captivates viewers with its slow-burn pacing.
The series effectively utilizes its strengths, particularly the performances of its two main actors.
A complex relationship filled with hidden secrets raises a haunting question: Who do you want to erase from your life?
About the Series
What would you do if you had a mobile phone that could make anyone who annoys you disappear? This Thai series poses this intriguing premise and delves into the subsequent mystery: Where do those people go?
Playing with this idea, “Delete” is primarily a well-executed mystery series, enhanced by an intriguing soundtrack that captivates rather than overwhelms.
Despite its initial start, the series asserts itself through its strengths in pacing, direction, carefully composed shots, silent moments, and meaningful glances. It is evident that the series has undergone meticulous direction, and although it lacks a grand production, it provides ample reasons to engage and entertain.
While it may not go down in television history, it doesn’t seem to aspire to do so either.
The series steadily improves as it unfolds, introducing mysteries in a slow and subtle manner.
Technically sound, both in terms of its sound design and visuals.
“Delete” is an engaging series that immerses viewers in a supernatural intrigue grounded in psychological depth.
Release date
June 28, 2023
Where to Watch Delete
The Cast
Nat Kitcharit / Aim
Natara Nopparatayapon / Two
Sarika Sathsilpsupa / Lilly
Chutimon Chuengcharoensukying
Jinjett Wattanasin
Charlette Wasita Hermenau
Nopachai Chaiyanam
Sompob Benjathikul
Supawan Poolcharoen
Duangjai Hiransri