My Little Pony: Make Your Mark is an animated television series produced by Atomic Cartoons and developed by Gillian Berrow for Netflix. The series is a sequel to the 2021 film My Little Pony: A New Generation, and follows the adventures of Sunny Starscout and her friends after the events of the film.
The series premiered on Netflix on May 26, 2022, with a 44-minute special episode. The first full season, consisting of eight 22-minute episodes, was released on September 26, 2022. A double-length special episode, Winter Wishday, was released on November 21, 2022, and served as the first season finale.
Chapter 4 is now available on Netflix.
Set after the events of My Little Pony: A New Generation, My Little Pony: Make Your Mark follows the adventures of Sunny Starscout and her friends as they travel across Equestria, helping ponies of all three species to learn to live together in harmony. Along the way, they face new challenges and obstacles, but they always manage to overcome them with their friendship and teamwork.
Release Date
September 18, 2023
Visitor Rating: 3 Stars