The Endless Night (Todo Dia a Mesma Noite) is a Brazilian drama series created by Gustavo Lipsztein starring Thelmo Fernandes, Paulo Gorgulho and Bianca Byington. It is based on the novel written by Daniela Arbex.
About the Series
In The Endless Night you will see an elaborate production and a great challenge for the series: The creators of this series have worked hard and used all their visual persuasiรณn in each scene so that they work and have the desired impact. However, it is up to the viewer to want to see a court drama about a tragedy. This, as always, is up to the viewer, you decide.
This is a series that lasts around five hours in which what happened in the Kiss Club is analyzed in detail, its consequences, anecdotes and of course, an attempt is done to find out what happened that caused a fire that ended the llives of over 200 people.
This is a series with very good photography, acting, selection of the scenes and visual and rhythmic planning. No complaints about that.
However, you need to like this kind of story and want to enter into the drama and tragedy of destroyed families and broken lives.
The main characters are represented by Thelmo Fernandez and Paulo Gorgulho who do as much as they can and bring their tremendous personalities to this very melodramatic script.
When a fire kills 242 people in a nightclub, all that the victims’ parents can do is mournโฆ and fight for justice.
Release Date
Wednesday, January 25, 2023
Where to Watch The Endless Night
Thelmo Fernandes | Paulo Gorgulho |
Leonardo Medeiros | Bianca Byington |
Dรฉbora Lamm
Raquel Karro
Bel Kowarick
Erom Cordeiro
Paola Antonini
Nicolas Vargas
The Endless Night – Episodes
That Night
A fire turns a nightclub into hell on earth. When clubgoers fail to return home, their parents begin a futile and heartbreaking search through the city.
The authorities begin an investigation to discover the causes of the fire while the city mourns the hundreds of deaths that resulted from the tragedy.
The police interrogate several people involved in the fire. The victims’ parents create an association to fight for justice and investigate on their own.
Survivors struggle to recover from their burns. The parentsโ investigation reveals that the local government knows more than they’re letting on.
The hearings have been dragging on for years, yet no one has been prosecuted. The victims’ parents fight for a grand jury trial.
Visitor Rating: 3 Stars
Visitor Rating: 5 Stars
Visitor Rating: 5 Stars
Visitor Rating: 5 Stars
Visitor Rating: 3 Stars
This story is almost exactly the same thing that happened at The Station nightclub in Rhode Island in 2003
I agree.
Thanks for dropping by, John
Visitor Rating: 2 Stars