Chicago Exhibitions. Hidden in Plain Sight. Oh Art Fundation

5 years ago
Hans Hofmann, Fury No. 1, 1945. Oil on panel, 141 x 111.8 cm. Courtesy Bastian. With permission of the Renate, Hans & Maria Hofmann Trust / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York.
Hans Hofmann, Fury No. 1, 1945. Oil on panel, 141 x 111.8 cm. Courtesy Bastian.

A Solo Show by JooYeon Judy Yang. Friday, September 20th / 7-9pm

We’re pleased to announce our September exhibition featuring JooYeon Judy Yang’s “One Nation Banknote” series. Please join us to celebrate the opening on Friday, September 20th, from 7-9pm!

Yang’s collages – composed entirely of various currency – dissect commonplace iconography and challenge viewers to question the status quo. With nuanced layers and allegorical titles, Yang creates spaces where utopia and apocalypse melt together – where idealistic nationalism loses its form in lieu of collective chaos.

Learn more about the artist and exhibition on our Facebook page!

OH Art Foundation, 1029 W 35th St, 3rd Floor, Chicago, IL 60609, United States

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