State of Alabama vs. Brittany Smith – A Short Documentary on Netflix – Review: Informative

State of Alabama vs. Brittany Smith is a documentary directed by Ryan White.

The heartrending story of a woman whose attempt to recur to Alabama’s Stand Your Ground law, after killing a man she says brutally attacked her, proves to be very difficult.

About the Documentary

A documentary that is definitively journalistic in nature. The documentary tells us Brittany Smith’s story of how she killed a man in self-defense and the ordeal she had to go through to prove that it was in fact self-defense. It also sheds some light on the difficulties these communities have to live with.

During the 40 minutes of duration of this report, we learn about how the Stand Your Ground law is applied, and when it is not deemed applicable.

It includes interviews with Brittany Smith herself, her mother, various other such as a local journalist, and the cousin of the man killed. There are also sequences with police footage – bodycam during her arrest, and recordings of her interrogation.

Our Opinion

A short documentary that is in fact a report with a strong journalistic quality. It is very informative, despite its short duration, 40 minutes.

Release Date

November 10, 2022

Where to Watch State of Alabama vs. Brittany Smith


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