Project Suicide, by John Bukowski

2 years ago
Project Suicide Novel now available at
Project Suicide Novel now available at

COLUMBUS, Ind., May 17, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — PathBinder Publishing in Columbus, Indiana, has announced the release of a debut novel by one of its most recent discoveries, author John Bukowski. His suspenseful political thriller, Project Suicide, takes readers on a mind-bending ride as a long-awaited cure for Alzheimer’s disease is perverted into a political assassin’s ideal weapon. With a master’s degree in public health, a veterinary degree, and a doctorate in epidemiology, Bukowski draws from his scientific expertise to bring a unique authenticity to this exhilarating novel. Project Suicide is available in hardback, paperback, and for Kindle devices online at or ask for it where books are sold.

John Bukowski, Author of Project Suicide Novel.
John Bukowski, Author of Project Suicide Novel.

In Project Suicide, a string of high-profile politicians has strangely died by their own hand. Not aged bureaucrats breaking under the strain of political baggage but rising stars with stress and scandal still ahead of them – and more are likely. Only genius scientist Deacon Creel knows how to save them but there’s a problem. Now he prefers the bottle to the test tube and the gutter to the laboratory. Although tormented by guilt for his part in releasing a weaponized Alzheimer’s cure, Creel eventually agrees to pursue the antidote. While he and the few he can trust race to an antidote, they are hunted by sinister forces bent on government manipulation and power.

His main interest in writing this book was the enjoyment of his readers. “First and foremost, I hope that readers are entertained,” Bukowski said. “Secondly, I hope they learn something; be that an interesting technical detail or the need for balance between logic and emotion as we live our lives.”

Bukowski is an accomplished fiction and non-fiction writer published in numerous notable short story publications including, Dark Secrets, Makarelle, and Land Beyond the World. He has written hundreds of medical publications, from handbooks to websites, as well as radio scripts, and translations of technical topics for the general public.

A native of Detroit, Bukowski earned a master’s degree in public health from the University of Michigan, a veterinary degree from Michigan State University, and a doctorate in epidemiology from the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey. After 15 years in Dayton, Ohio, John moved to the mountains of eastern Tennessee where he continues to write and enjoy his hobbies including acting on stage, singing, and volunteering at a local animal shelter.

Taking on a debut novel can be challenging for a publisher of any size, but PathBinder Publishing found Bukowski’s work both original and engaging. “John successfully blends technical detail with the personal challenges faced by sympathetic characters, helping the reader to understand them,” said Paul Hoffman, of PathBinder Publishing. “His idea for making a miracle drug’s side effect into the perfect tool for an assassin is realistic and causes readers to consider what undiscovered consequences might lurk elsewhere. A great job on a debut novel.”

Other authors are weighing in on Bukowski’s work as well. Larry D. Sweazy, award-winning author of The Broken Bow, noted, “John Bukowski’s debut thriller, Project Suicide, keeps you on the edge of your seat. I can’t wait to read his next book!” Matthew Clemens, co-author of the Reeder and Rogers thrillers calls Project Suicide a, “rollercoaster ride filled with unforeseen twists, dips, and dives, right up to its stunning climax.”

SOURCE John Bukowski

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