Christopher Le Brun: Momentarium. Lisson Gallery

2 years ago
Christopher Le Brun, Concert II, 2021. © Christopher Le Brun, Courtesy Lisson Gallery.
Christopher Le Brun, Concert II, 2021. © Christopher Le Brun, Courtesy Lisson Gallery.

“There aren’t any reasons for painting. That’s what’s special about it. It doesn’t need justification. It’s essential that it’s not used for other purposes. All of the things which will, as it were, take away from what’s mysterious about it.”

Lisson Gallery is delighted to announce Momentarium, a comprehensive show by Christopher Le Brun that can be seen as a culmination of his work to date. The exhibition features some of his most ambitious work, including monumental triptychs and diptychs, providing an opportunity to see the development of modular compositions from singular pieces through to large and highly complex canvases.

Le Brun is still deeply committed to experimentation, exploring new techniques, palettes and dispositions, as experienced in the varying approaches adopted in these works. The exhibition features a number of large-scale multi-paneled oil on canvas paintings, including the eponymous work in the show, Momentarium II – referring to a collection of fleeting moments – a painting that feels like an account of time and consciousness made visible.

Lisson Gallery

6 July – 20 August 2022
Opening: 5 July, 6-8pm
27 Bell Street, London

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