Marcos Raya: Baby Needs Machine | Gallery Victor Armendariz

11 months ago
Marcos Raya
Marcos Raya | Baby Needs Machine | acrylic on canvas | 52 x 78 inches

Gallery VICTOR is thrilled to represent the visionary art of Marcos Raya. His provocative and tantalizing artworks invite the viewer to embark on a captivating journey through the realms of his imagination.

During a career that spans decades, Raya has become a prominent figure in the art world. He has strong roots in the Latino community and combines that influence with American Pop Art, Cubism, Dada and Surrealism.

Through his eclectic body of work Raya presents us with thoughtful sociopolitical commentary often discussing the effects of technology on modern society through the lens of culture, heritage, and identity. We present Baby Needs Machine as a preview to our upcoming show with Marcos Raya in January of 2024.

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