Zero, by Alfred Ines: A Science Fiction Novella Written Entirely by AI

Martha Lucas
Science Fiction Novella Written Entirely by AI: Introducing "Zero" by Alfred Ines

AUSTIN, Texas, April 7, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — In a groundbreaking literary experiment, author Alfred Ines has written Zero, a thrilling science fiction novella composed almost entirely by the advanced AI language model GPT-4. This is the first in a series of three planned novellas for the Zero series.

Zero tells the gripping story of a futuristic world where two factions, the Skybourne and Deepborn, are locked in a cosmic struggle for the enigmatic Planet Zero. The novella’s characters, plot, and most of the story were developed by GPT-4 with minimal guidance from the author. It was written over the course of one day. The cover was generated by Open AI’s image generator, DALL-E 2.

In a recent interview, the author revealed that the project began as an experiment to explore the potential of GPT-4 in crafting a compelling science fiction story. “I was fascinated by the idea of finding out what an AI can do on its own with minimal guidance. The result is a passable story. It’s certainly not equal to what a talented writer can do. But at the same time, it’s probably better than a lot of what’s out there.”

Previously, the author published a successful legal thriller called The Law of the Sea under the pen name Dave Gerard. The Law of the Sea is a legal thriller that has sold several thousand copies and has a 4.4/5 rating on nearly 1,000 Amazon reviews. In contrast to ZeroThe Law of the Sea was written the old-fashioned way, without the assistance of AI.

Alfred Ines looks forward to exploring the boundaries of writing with AI. “I expect that, at least right now, AI will be a collaborative tool. Working with it may feel more like sculpting. The next thing I’m looking to try with AI is going to be a novel that’s as good as a talented author might write, but written with the ease of having AI doing the heavy lifting. I’m excited to see how it works out.”

Zero is available as a Kindle eBook on at

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Martha Lucas is passionate about film and literature. She is working on her first novel and writes articles. In charge of the theater and books sections at MCM. Seville, Spain.
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