The Fernán Gómez Theater Unveils the 5th Edition of Música Antigua Madrid

4 months ago
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The esteemed Fernán Gómez. Centro Cultural de la Villa is proud to announce the return of its celebrated festival, Música Antigua Madrid (MAM), now in its remarkable fifth year. Set to enchant audiences from June 11 to 16, this edition promises an exploration of European Baroque music, featuring a total of six unique concerts crafted to showcase the genre’s rich tapestry.

After four successful editions with a primary focus on Spain’s vast musical heritage, MAM shifts its lens toward European baroque, echoing the festival’s foundational commitment to historical accuracy and original instrumentation. This year’s lineup is distinguished by its dedication to showcasing specialized groups acclaimed for their historic performance practices.

The festival is a testament to MAM’s ambition to democratize repertoire that often escapes mainstream exposure, aiming to allure connoisseurs and neophytes of all ages with performances of unsurpassed quality. Whether it’s the intricate compositions of Johann Sebastian Bach, the engaging works of the Stamitz family, or the French composers like Lully and Rameau whose works were profoundly influenced by Spanish culture, MAM 2023 is a curator of exceptional musical narratives.

The curtain rises on June 11th with Ignacio Prego and Tiento Nuovo, bringing Charles Avison’s Concerti Grossi to life—a splendid reinterpretation of Doménico Scarlatti’s sonatas. The days following will see performances from Johanna Rose, a virtuoso viola da gamba player, and a showcase of JS Bach’s Sonatas for violin and harpsichord by Andoni Mercero and Alfonso Sebastián, among others.

The festival promises more than just concerts, with two enlightening talks scheduled to complement the musical program. “Hablemos de Bach, vida y música” by Professor Rodrigo Guerrero, and “Influencia de la cultura española en la música barroca francesa” by Miguel Jalôto, director of Ludovice Ensemble, promise to provide deeper insights into the enduring legacy of Baroque music and its intersections with Spanish culture.

Scheduled Performances:

  • June 11: Tiento Nuevo & Ignacio Prego present Charles Avison’s Concerti Grossi at Sala Guirau, 8 PM.
  • June 12: Johanna Rose in 7 Movements at Sala Jardiel Poncela, 7 PM.
  • June 13: Sonatas for violin and harpsichord by JS Bach performed by Andoni Mercero and Alfonso Sebastián at Sala Jardiel Poncela, 7 PM.
  • June 14: L’Apothéose explores the Stamitz Family at Sala Guirau, 8 PM.
  • June 15: Vivalma presents Danser, Ballare at Sala Jardiel Poncela, 7 PM.
  • June 16: Ludovice Ensemble’s À l’Espagnole at Sala Guirau, 8 PM.

These six concerts, coupled with insightful discussions, cement Música Antigua Madrid’s status as a beacon of cultural enrichment and musical excellence. The Fernán Gómez. Centro Cultural de la Villa invites aficionados and the curious alike to partake in this annual celebration of baroque splendor.

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