Andrea Ramirez

109 Articles

The basics of learning a language

What are the reasons for learning a new language? Perhaps you were…

Andrea Ramirez Andrea Ramirez

Stay connected to your phone… and your blood sugar level

RIIING! You get a notification from your mobile phone. Is it a…

Andrea Ramirez Andrea Ramirez

Don’t trust every mental health mobile application

In recent years, it’s become vital more than ever to be educated…

Andrea Ramirez Andrea Ramirez

Mobile phone attachment: the challenge to put the phone down

The mobile phone. It's everyone's best friend, companion on public transport, trusted…

Andrea Ramirez Andrea Ramirez

Heavy social media use can lead to heavy mental health

Take a picture. Share it. Connect. Social media is great right? With…

Andrea Ramirez Andrea Ramirez

Are individuals or corporations to blame for plastic waste?

It’s easy and cheap to produce, and with the rise in consumerism,…

Andrea Ramirez Andrea Ramirez

The unique travel motivations of ecotourism

Imagine planning a holiday where the only planned activity is walking through…

Andrea Ramirez Andrea Ramirez

Losing sight of the connection between consumerism and carbon footprint

Often, it’s easy to lose sight of the impact that societal influences…

Andrea Ramirez Andrea Ramirez

New energy solutions: be conscious of your carbon footprint

Given newspread information and its highlight in the news, people are increasingly…

Andrea Ramirez Andrea Ramirez