Mrs. Harris Goes to Paris, Movie Trailer. Release in Theatres: July 15

Mrs. Harris goes to Paris is a 2022 drama movie directed by Anthony Fabian. Starring Lesley Manville.

It is based on the best-seller by Paul Gallico.


London, 1950s. A widowed woman becomes obsessed with fashion and a Dior dress. She decides to travel to Paris to view the fashion world.

El viaje a París de la señora Harris (2022)
Mrs. Harris Goes to Paris (2022)

About the Movie

An elegant, fascinating and funny film that will surely touch the hearts of the audience thanks to a great actress, Lesley Manville.

The Cast

Lesley Manville
Lesley Manville. Depostiphotos

Lesley Manville

Lesley Ann Manville is an English actress known for the movies Grown-Ups (1980)High Hopes (1988)Secrets & Lies (1996)Topsy-Turvy (1999) and many others.

The Director

Anthony Fabian

Anthony Fabian is a British movie-maker known for the movies, Mrs. Harris Goes to Paris (2022)Louder Than Words (2013) y Skin (2008).

Release Date

July 15, 2022.

Movie Reviews

“[An] affable homage to haute couture (…) For the most part, Fabian and his three co-writers have done well to boost the intellect and assertiveness of the novel’s female characters.”

Peter Debruge: Variety

“A love letter to the French capital and its halls of fashion (…) But the human element is what ultimately sells it.”

David Rooney: The Hollywood Reporter

Video: Mrs. Harris Goes to Paris – Tráiler Oficial 1 (Universal Pictures) HD

YouTube video

Cast & Crew

Martin Cid Magazine
Martin Cid Magazine
Martin Cid Magazine (MCM) is a cultural magazine about entertainment, arts and shows.
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