Forming a linguistic community

Your native language can automatically subject your perception to its grammar rules. In other words, it can influence the way you express yourself or even think.

It introduced an interesting perspective on the subconscious of people.

How does gendered grammar affect one’s perception of the environment?

Different languages For example, in Spanish, articles are expressed as either feminine or masculine. Phrases like “el puente” or “la luna” tag simple words with a specific, gendered feel. Spanish speakers can attribute qualities to the bridge and the moon that reflect the gender of their articles.

Perhaps Spanish speakers think of a bridge as being strong and sturdy and think of the moon as soft and feminine.

The existence of gendered articles can unintentionally influence the way people view even everyday objects.

In addition to affecting how we associate objects or concepts, the language we speak can strongly affect our cultural identity.

For example, several communities of Spain share a language other than Spanish: there are the Catalán, Gallego, and Valenciano languages. Each of these are unique to their respective communities, and it can be easy to imagine how sharing a language besides the national Spanish one is unique.

Individuals of each community can be thought to hone in on their respective communities, apart from identifying as Spanish. Knowing a language is special to a certain region or culture contributes to the pride or identity of that specific area.

How do certain dialects or accents affect the way we connect to one another?

In the instances that the language is the same, there can still exist cultural differences that manifest themselves as accents or dialects.

For example, almost all Latin American countries speak Spanish. However there are still profound differences that exist in the accents or dialects within these countries. Take Mexican Spanish, for example, and compare it with Argentinian Spanish: the accents of each country are remarkably distinct, and it’s easy to spot the difference between each.

In addition, the verb conjugations are distinct.

In Mexico, to ask if you can do something, it could be used with the word “puedes” with the first syllable stressed. In Argentina, however, it would be written as “podés”, and the last syllable would be stressed instead of the first.

Across these countries, there are different ways to say the same respective thing. Overall, the difference in accent and slang can contribute to individual cultural identities.

Andre Tsitsipas
Andre Tsitsipas
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