
A Special Stellar Nursery

This image, taken with the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope, depicts a special class of star-forming nursery known as Free-floating Evaporating Gaseous Globules, or frEGGs for short. This...

Hubble Views a Galaxy on the ‘Dark Side’

Resting on the tail of the Great Bear in the constellation of Ursa Major lies NGC 5585, a spiral galaxy that is more than it appears. The many...

NASA Aids Disaster Response to Hurricane Laura

Early in the morning on Aug. 27, Hurricane Laura made landfall along the Louisiana and Texas coastline, bringing 150 m.p.h. winds, flash floods and...

NASA Television to Air Space Station Cargo Ship Launch, Docking

NASA Television will provide live coverage of the launch and docking of a Russian cargo spacecraft delivering almost three tons of food, fuel, and supplies to...

NASA, ESA to Release First Images from Solar Orbiter Mission

Scientists from NASA and ESA (European Space Agency) will release the first data captured by Solar Orbiter, the joint ESA/NASA mission to study the...

NASA’s Parker Solar Probe Spies Newly-Discovered Comet NEOWISE

NASA’s Parker Solar Probe was at the right place at the right time to capture a unique view of comet NEOWISE on July 5,...

NASA TV Coverage Set for Final Space Station Spacewalk Power Upgrades

NASA astronauts Chris Cassidy and Robert Behnken are scheduled to go outside the International Space Station (ISS) Friday, June 26, and Wednesday, July 1, for spacewalks to begin...

NASA Announces Challenge Seeking Innovative Ideas to Advance Missions

The agency’s Science Mission Directorate (SMD) is seeking novel ideas reflective of those currently trending in the commercial sector – particularly in areas such...