Underneath the Same Moon (2019). Movie. Trailer

Underneath the Same Moon: A happily married man loses his memory in a car accident. He awakens from a coma losing the last 5 years of his memory. He wakes with the last memory of being about to propose to his Ex. Will his heart remember what his mind forget.

Year: 2019

Directed by: Bob Wasson

Screenplay: Tom Arndt, Bob Wasson

Cast: Sara Ball, Meg Cashel, Anderson Davis, Jose Garza, Justin Guyot, Todd Hererra, Phil Holmer, Lucas Kerr, Ebony Lanet, Hap Lawrence, Douglas William Smith, Luciana Vara, Mike Wayne


Susan Hill
Susan Hill
Editor in the technology section. Science, programming and, like everyone in this magazine, passionate about movies, entertainment, art.
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