Upgraded (2024): A romantic comedy on Prime Video

Upgraded is a romantic comedy directed by Carlson Young starring Camila Mendes and Archie Renaux.

Romantic comedies are a genre that effortlessly works for the screenwriters, the performers, and the audience. It is a genre that is often criticized for being similar to other films. And now, Prime Video presents “Upgraded”, a comedy that resembles a movie starring Audrey Hepburn, in which a girl meets a charming boy while traveling in London and they fall in love… and of course, he happens to be a millionaire. She is poor but charming and clever. If it weren’t for Marisa Tomei’s performance, the movie would not be memorable. And to be honest, it won’t be remembered much anyway.

Upgraded - Prime Video
Upgraded – Prime Video


An assistant at an art auction house in New York is sent to London, and a kind supervisor gives her a first-class ticket for the flight. There, she meets a charming, handsome, and wealthy boy (surprise) whom she falls in love with (surprise, surprise).

About the movie

It fulfills all the requirements of a good romantic comedy, leaving us wondering, what’s new? The only new thing (which isn’t much) is Marisa Tomei’s character, the director of the auction house, who shines because it is the only role that allows for some acting prowess. The rest: a predictable repetition of other very famous romantic comedies. A bit of confusion here, lots of money there, and in between, some dull dialogues that, though likeable, make this movie easy to watch and forget. It is simple and doesn’t want to deviate from the script at any moment. A product created for this special Valentine’s Day, which the networks take advantage of to release these movies that cause no harm except to film critics.

Our Opinion

Another Valentine’s Day approaches with these movies that pass through our lives without causing any harm, resembling each other so that for an hour and a half, we can believe in that thing called romantic love. (Sigh)

Where to Watch “Upgraded”

Prime Video

Upgraded – Prime Video
Alice Lange
Alice Lange
Alice Lange is passionate about music. She has been part of several groups in the production side and has now decided to bring her experience to the field of journalism. She also reviews movies and television and participates in various events.
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