Into the Night (2020). Netflix TV Series Trailer

In a race against the sun, there’s no more time for niceties. Survive together or crash together, those are your only options.

Into the Night, a Belgian Netflix original series. Directed by Inti Calfat and Dirk Verheye. Streaming May 1.In a race against the sun, there’s no more time for niceties. Survive together or crash together, those are your only options.

Into the Night, a Belgian Netflix original series. Directed by Inti Calfat and Dirk Verheye. Streaming May 1.

Directed by: Jason George (Creator), Inti Calfat, Dirk Verheye

Screenplay: Jason George, Jacek Dukaj

High altitude, high tensions | Into the Night | Netflix

Susan Hill
Susan Hill
Editor in the technology section. Science, programming and, like everyone in this magazine, passionate about movies, entertainment, art.
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