Season six of “The Circle,” Netflix’s most online reality show on television.

The Circle is a game show on Netflix hosted by Michelle Buteau in which the contestants don’t know each other and will have to lead a totally online life. Even if they live in the same building, they will never meet, and will only be able to relate to each other through the contest app.

Will they lie or tell the truth? Anything goes to win the $100,000 prize.

Flirtations, deceptions, betrayals and surprises in this quiz show about online life that has been a success in previous seasons and promises to repeat.

You can watch it on Netflix starting Wednesday, April 17.

Where to Watch “The Circle


Martha Lucas
Martha Lucas
Martha Lucas is passionate about film and literature. She is working on her first novel and writes articles. In charge of the theater and books sections at MCM. Seville, Spain.
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