Metro Pictures. Camille Henrot in Frieze Sculpture at Rockefeller Center

Martha O'Hara
Martha O'Hara
Inside Job, 2019. Bronze, 63 x 104 3/8 x 85 1/16 inches (160 x 265 x 216 cm). In Frieze Sculpture. Installation view, 2020. Rockefeller Center, New York. Photo: Casey Kelbaugh

Camille Henrot’s bronze Inside Job is now on view in Rockefeller Center’s Channel Gardens as part of Frieze Sculpture. Organzied by Brett Littman, director of the Noguchi Museum, this presentation was originally scheduled to open in April to coincide with Frieze’s New York fair. Works from Henrot’s series of floral arrangements Is it possible to be a revolutionary and like flowers?, based on the Japanese tradition of ikebana, are also on view in the main lobby of 30 Rockefeller Plaza.

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