Veronica Loop

Veronica Loop is the managing director of MCM. She is passionate about art, culture and entertainment. Contact: veronica (@) martincid (.) com
3179 Articles

City Hunter – A Hilariously Outrageous Netflix Movie: The Flirty Private Detective

City Hunter is a Japanese movie on Netflix directed by Yuichi Satoh…

Veronica Loop Veronica Loop

Movie Review: “Immaculate,” a Terrifying Convent Tale with a Twist

Immaculate is a movie starring Sydney Sweeney with Álvaro Morte and Simona…

Veronica Loop Veronica Loop

Don’t Hate the Player: A reality show on Netflix of betrayals, and mental and social games.

Don't Hate the Player is a television show in which 13 contestants…

Veronica Loop Veronica Loop

Fallout (2024) Series on Prime Video: The most anticipated video-game adaptation

Fallout is a new sci-fi series created by Lisa Joy and Jonathan Nolan. it…

Veronica Loop Veronica Loop

The Hijacking of Flight 601 (2024), a Colombian Series on Netflix with a Heavily Political Kidnapping

The Hijacking of Flight 601 is a Colombian series starring Mónica Lopea,…

Veronica Loop Veronica Loop

What Jennifer Did (2024) True Crime Documentary on Netflix: The Gripping and Shocking Case of Jennifer Pan

What Jennifer Did is a documentary written and directed by Jenny Popplewell…

Veronica Loop Veronica Loop

Crime Scene Berlin: Nightlife Killer – Netflix Docuseries: A Serial Killer is on the Loose in Berlin

Crime Scene Berlin: Nightlife Killer is a German a three-episode docuseries on…

Veronica Loop Veronica Loop